We’ll find the words to write your preferred realities into meaningful and productive existence, always.

Contact Information

22 Bankole Street, Pedro Road, Lagos Nigeria.

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The Catalyst

EVISCERATED SOLUTIONS — changing the world, one meaningful word after another.
Who I am

Sonia Nneka Ginigeme


A strong believer in the creative and curative power of words, EVISCERATED SOLUTIONS is the ultimate expression of my essence — allowing me do what I love the most (solve problems) via my superpower (words).

My writing focuses on the authentic expression of ideas for meaningful impact across ALL industries.

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I am EVISCERATED SOLUTIONS and EVISCERATED SOLUTIONS is me. There is no separating us.

My degree in Medical Rehabilitation (Physiotherapy) provides a solid foundation in the sciences with which I confidently navigate the arts. For over 10 years, my experience in Brand Development, Corporate Strategy, Practice Administration, Public Relations, Sales and Marketing, enabled me play key roles in the arena of hospitality and law.

EVISCERATED SOLUTIONS is the absolute combination of all the parts of ME. Anchoring to my love for rock and classical music, coffee and literature — I spend my time writing away ‘representations of gloom’ — ushering the corporate and personal existences of my amazing Clients into their unique futures of forever wealth.

Ready to Think Big?

We are the future of forever wealth.

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+234 803 133 3564