We’ll find the words to write your preferred realities into meaningful and productive existence, always.

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22 Bankole Street, Pedro Road, Lagos Nigeria.

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EVISCERATED SOLUTIONS — changing the world, one meaningful word after another.


EVISCERATED SOLUTIONS — changing the world, one meaningful word after another.
July 25, 2024 admin

Icarus Was Not a Ruse

Just to listen as you read, because words with sounds make the rounds. LOOK AFTER YOU by THE FRAY: https://youtu.be/4lqYdS-Ell8?si=CnvWY1l2Vv0V9gwU In the ancient myth of Icarus, he soared on wings crafted by his father, Daedalus, only to fall when he flew too close to the sun. Now what if this story is reimagined to highlight […]

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November 6, 2022 admin

Selling Without Selling is Like Going Quiet Through the Trees

Song to listen to as you read: Through the trees by Low Shoulder.link to ear worm To be.To exist.To flicker and burn as created to express.To be accepted and loved. Represented in every way. Regardless of all.Mustangs on freeway. The essence (soul composition) of a child — this, this is how every job should be […]

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November 6, 2022 admin

Words with Sounds

Song in focus: Dare you to move by Switchfoot Music is a core anchor at EVISCERATED SOLUTIONS – Rock music, especially. It’s that while we’re losing ourselves in the beauty of the emerging realities we craft for you via written words, music brings us back — everytime, with impunity and meaning. Of activation and getting […]

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