We’ll find the words to write your preferred realities into meaningful and productive existence, always.

Contact Information

22 Bankole Street, Pedro Road, Lagos Nigeria.

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Dive into the depths of our magic. This is what fulfillment of purpose looks like.
About Eviscerated Solutions

Words are the building blocks of reality. We exist to make sure you’re using the right ones as meaningfully as possible.

EVISCERATED SOLUTIONS is a registered Premium Writing Service that focuses on writing away the corporate and personal challenges of humanity, one meaningful word after another. We craft turnkey solutions that simplify and revolutionise the way business has been/is conducted, creating profound value that easily translates into lasting wealth.

OUR ACE: Other writers have favoured the use of expert communication alone (the science of correct grammar) and this is responsible for more than half the ordinary and sometimes plastic content that has done nothing for the perception of businesses but keep them on a basic level of productivity (when so much more can be achieved).
EVISCERATED SOLUTIONS communicates meaningfully — the distinct use of words by born writers (the best kind) to repair damages, solve problems, create extraordinary profits (and experiences).

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Vision (why)

To be the global recourse for lasting solutions and forever wealth.

Mission (how)

Harnessing the power of meaningful communication (via writing) to enable individuals and corporates function in their most productive capacities.

Our Values

We hold them close to heart

We pay the price to boost your rights.
Excited to ignite, we fly our kite.
Steadfast in all, this is our call.
We favour ‘from scratch’ so your eggs can hatch.