We’ll find the words to write your preferred realities into meaningful and productive existence, always.

Contact Information

22 Bankole Street, Pedro Road, Lagos Nigeria.

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Welcome to your one-stop wordshop

We’ll find the words to write your preferred realities into profitable existence.

We are Born Writers

Creating whole realities from scratch, we are the shortest distance between where you are and where you need/ought to be.

Creative Solutions to consistently get the best results

Enjoy a new dawn of profound ease of business, for sustainable wealth and glorious returns on investments.
Hello! We are Writers

Written solutions created by us are the best in the world

Undoubtedly, words are the unit root of all solution creation processes. Meaningful words, lasting solutions — that’s us

EVISCERATED SOLUTIONS is a registered Premium Writing Service that focuses on writing away the corporate and personal challenges of humanity, one meaningful word after another.


Harnessing the power of meaningful communication (via writing) to enable individuals and corporates function in their most productive capacities.

We’ve been doing this since the inception of time.

Words Are

Creating Global Solutions via Value Infusion
General Services

Experience the wonders of meaningful communication

A business without the backing of a Meaningful Writer is definitely flying without wings. YOU NEED US. For you (with words), we will put an end to all unproductivity and begin communicating the VALUE of your product profitably through: Website content, Profiles, Book Proposals, Business Proposals, Letters, Notes, Press Releases, News Writing, Poetry, Articles, Blog Posts, Speeches, Custom Greeting Cards, Words as Decor, Minimalist Designs, Social Media Management.

Luxury brand. Beautiful and quirky.

Talk our talk and walk our walk.

Why us?

We are positively different — the only one of our kind

Open minded
The best solutions are found in unlikely places and we embrace this reality. Thinking outside the box is our specialty.
Value based pricing
Value is what we are really offering (or selling). You’ll only be paying according to worth.
Everything is useful
No wastes. What you have will be used to create what you need. You’ll not spend extra.
Friends indeed
Our services are designed to keep looking after your interests long after your business with us is concluded.

Our Truth

July 25, 2024 admin

Icarus Was Not a Ruse

Just to listen as you read, because words with sounds make the rounds. LOOK AFTER YOU by THE...

July 11, 2024 admin

When Words Take Flight

Writing: From Tangible Reality to Solutions Writing is a powerful tool that bridges the gap...

November 6, 2022 admin

Selling Without Selling is Like Going Quiet Through the Trees

Song to listen to as you read: Through the trees by Low Shoulder.link to ear worm To be.To...